Barcolana Maxi - Trofeo Portopiccolo
The highly anticipated BARCOLANA Maxi – TROFEO PORTOPICCOLO is back with the strongest Italian, Slovenian, Croatian and Austrian sailing teams, from 3 to 5 October.
Three days of pure sailing, in which competition, glamor and fun come together in a unique event capable of making Portopiccolo and the passion of all lovers of our sport pulsate.
The event will take place in the Gulf of Trieste with stick or triangle tests and coastal test on the classic Barcolana route.
The boats will be divided into classes as per the notice of regatta.
Regatta news
When: 3 – 5 October 2023
Where: Golfo di Trieste
Who: Single hull boats as per the notice of race
Race Office:
For info:

Trofeo Grand Soleil Vintage Cup 2023
Nel weekend del 24 e 25 giugno si è svolta la manifestazione velica “GRAND SOLEIL VINTAGE CUP” promossa dai Cantieri del Pardo e co-organizzata con il DIPORTO NAUTICO SISTIANA. La partecipazione era riservata agli armatori possessori di imbarcazioni Grand Soleil progettate prima dell’anno 2000.
E’ stata un’occasione di incontro e di sana rivalità tra i vari modelli che hanno fatto la storia della vela italiana, frutto dei migliori progettisti.
L’evento ha previsto due prove in forma di veleggiata di circa 6 miglia ciascuna nelle acque antistanti la costiera triestina tra il Marina di Portopiccolo e il castello di Miramare.
A terra, a fine manifestazione è stato possibile ammirare la barche partecipanti ormeggiate nella Marina di Portopiccolo cui sono seguite le premiazioni ed una serie di incontri dedicati agli armatori e ai loro equipaggi.The “GRAND SOLEIL VINTAGE CUP” sailing event promoted by Cantieri del Pardo and co-organised with DIPORTO NAUTICO SISTIANA took place on the weekend of 24th and 25th June. Participation was reserved for owners of Grand Soleil boats designed before the year 2000.
It was an opportunity for meeting and healthy rivalry between the various models that have made the history of Italian sailing, the result of the best designers.
The event included two tests in the form of sailing of approximately 6 miles each in the waters off the Trieste coast between the Marina di Portopiccolo and the castle of Miramare.
On land, at the end of the event, it was possible to admire the participating boats moored in the Portopiccolo Marina, which was followed by awards ceremonies and a series of meetings dedicated to shipowners and their crews.

Trofeo Portopiccolo Classic 2023
The new edition of the “Trofeo Portopiccolo Classic” returned to populate the Gulf of Trieste on 3 and 4 June.
It was a spectacle to admire the queens of the Sea challenging each other with gusts of wind and waves from an exceptional panoramic point like the Borgo, and at the same time enjoying an aperitif on the terrace of the Yacht Club.